The following is a list of abusive behaviors. Please check each of the following behaviors you have experienced.
Social abuse is any action that restricts the social activities of another person or demeans their image.
Joked/Insulted the role of women/men or made sexist remarks in your presence
Isolated you from friends or activities
Isolated themselves socially and then sought your pity
Insisted that you worked while they may or may not work
Denied/minimized your past experiences
Got you fired or reprimanded
Locked you in/out of your home
Took or controlled the use of your money
Sold your things
Caused others to think poorly of you
Intentionally embarrassed you in front of others
Flirted with others in public
Fixed the car so that you couldn't go anywhere/refused to let you drive
Made a public display of fighting with others/destroying property
Monitored your phone calls/your activities via phone or other means of spying
Denied or minimized your family/cultural traditions/religion
Refused to pay bills/allow you to pay them/ruined your credit rating
Threatened to hurt/alienate your extended family or friends
Accused your friends of wrong doing
Told others they were in control all of the time
Did not allow you to make decisions
Spent pay check before meeting obligations/Abandoned you without resources
Emotional Abuse is repeated verbal or nonverbal psychological assaults.
Put down your abilities as a parent, worker or lover
Insulted/humiliated you/repeatedly and in specifically sensitive areas
Accused you of not paying him/her enough attention
Subjected you to cold, stony silent treatment
Abused your children physically/sexually
Withheld approval as a punishment for something you did
Threatened or attempted to commit suicide
Yelled at you/called you names/labeled you as crazy, dumb, bitch, whore.
Resented your children/Threatened to get custody of children
Blamed you for everything that went wrong
Told you that you couldn't make it without them
Invaded your personal space
Accused you of being violent
Threatened violence/revenge against you
Acted so you couldn't predict what would trigger their abuse
Told you that you were having a breakdown
Tortured pets/Recited details explaining how a person or animal would be tortured
Taunted you about your depression/ being suicidal
Encouraged you to commit suicide
Did not allow you to eat until they decided you could
Told you things would never change/Told you they're in total control
Physical Abuse is hurtful touching/contact directed at another.
Deprived you of food, clothes, shelter, money, sanitary or facilities
Pinched you/Squeezed you/ Twisted your arm
Exposed you to intense heat or cold
Pushed you/Threw you /Shook you
Thrown objects at you
Injured you intentionally
Hit you/Punched you/Slapped you
Hit or kicked you repeatedly
Deprived you of sleep
Forced you to miscarry or have an abortion
Bruised/Scratched you
Bitten you
Prevented you from calling police/friends for help
Used household objects as a weapons (pans, bottle, etc.)
Strangled you/Smothered you
Tied you up
Hit you in a chosen spot (targeted hitting)
Injured you so that you required medical treatment
Used conventional weapons (guns, knife, etc.)
Kicked you/Tripped you/Stomped on you
Broken a bone
Attempted to poison, drown or murder you
Forced you to kneel or crawl on the floor
Prevented you from receiving medical treatment
Attempted to throw you out/run you over/drag you with a vehicle
Disabled you/Disfigured you
Held you and hit or punched you
Burned you
Injured you internally
Shot at you or shot you
Sexual abuse is any action (verbal or non verbal) which degrade a persons sexuality.
Made insulting reference/sexual jokes about women/men's bodies
Talked about the opposite sex as sex objects
Went out with other women/men
Criticized your sexual performance
Accused you of looking/talking to another man/woman
Accused you of having sex with another
Called you a lesbian or gay
Forced you into uncomfortable sex
Withheld affection/sex to punish you
Reacted angrily/violently when you tried to share your needs
Got you drunk or stoned in order to have sex
Forced you to listen to his/her dirty talk
Forced you to talk dirty
Touched opposite sex in a sexual way in your presence
Forced you to have sex without contraception
Labeled you sexually (whore/slut/prude/frigid)
Minimized your feelings/needs regarding sex
Forced you into degrading acts
Had sex with your friend or relative
Forced you to watch/ be filmed in sexual acts
Forced you to have sex with others
Threatened/demanded/forced you to have sex with him/her
Told you about his/her affairs
Forced you to have sex after a beating
Forced you to have sex with children/animals
Used objects/weapons during sex
Mutilated your sexual organs